One of the most integral foundations we can build as a practitioner is the foundation of being a receiver. The Sacredness of the modalities we love can be easily undermined by a moment of not being in true receivership and instead being in projection, judgement, ideals, beliefs, sympathy or knowledge.
Not only does this desecrate the sacredness of our modalities, it also robs us and our clients of the richness of receiving.
- What is your visceral experience of being in receivership?
- Have you made this a foundation?
- How do you make this a foundation?
- Do you have a catalogue of absoluteness that supports you to be a receiver?
If we are not in a state of constant learning from our clients, we are missing out. Said another way, if we are not constantly having our worldview challenged by the freshness of heaven (i.e. revealing what is true and what is not true) we are being robbed.
What is your relationship with observing, reading, realising, or sensing? Do you move, speak, touch and hold space in order to receive? Do you move, speak, touch and hold space to support another to receive?
Do you have a relationship with any or all of these receiverships? Are you settled with your strengths and weaknesses in receiving?
I ask these questions to initiate an unfolding that is laid out for us all to receive during this program. This program is designed to inspire a group unfolding and not lure you into the comfort of being a passive consumer of information.

DURATION: 12 week program
COST: $330
- Live webinars held fortnightly over 3 months.
- 7 day access to the recording
- Support in taking your readings to the next level.
- Discovering the true wealth that comes from receiving.
- Deepening your offering as a practitioner.
- How to ask the true question.
- Connecting with a partner.
- The enrichment that comes from working in true group-work.

An exploration of our relationship with the body
- 6 fortnightly group sessions over 3 months
- All live webinars will be held online (via Zoom)
- A recording will be available for 7 days following each session
- A constellated parter to learn from and support, plus work through the topic with each fortnight
An exploration of our relationship with the body
- 6 fortnightly group sessions over 3 months
- All live webinars will be held via Zoom
- A recording will be available for 7 days following each session
- A constellated partner to learn from and support, plus work through the topic each fortnight