Is there more for your relationship?

A step-by step approach to Enriching Your Relationships.

Relationships can be one of the most nourishing or damaging things
in our lives.

It is important that you make relationships an important part of your life. Do you invest in your career, your house, your children, cars, holidays, financial security, health, education, physical comfort? Yes, because we place value on these things. What I ask for you to consider is what are you prepared to truly invest (and or let go of) in order to ensure you have respectful, loving and continuously enriching relationships? This is a question that is definitely worth considering.

People working together to support and inspire each other.

You and your partner are disconnected?

There’s work to be done on yourself before you enter your next relationship?

There’s a major communication gap in your partnership?

Your relationship is already wonderful but you want to find that deeper connection?

There’s more you could offer a potential partner and you want to find out what that is?


are one of the most important things in our lives and we spend very little time nurturing them.


We all want to be a good partner so where do we go so wrong?

Most of us will spend more money on our car than we do supporting the growth of our relationships. A car won’t offer you connection, growth or intimacy. Working with your relationship is one of the most rewarding and advancing things you can offer yourself in your life.

What people are saying about the


I came to the program, believing my relationship with my partner was over and needing support to move away from it. Within a week I understood it was about the relationship with myself and how I can remain steady and powerful in my interactions with those around me and all the crazy stuff that occurs.  My relationship with my partner and daughter has blossomed, as I was supported by the program to move away from the dynamics, stop engaging out of reaction and embrace the ever-unfolding awareness of my hurts - which rolls out still. The program has laid a foundation for me to understand that I have everything within me.  I cannot share my depth of appreciation enough to Rebecca and all the incredible ladies I got to share with along this journey.  I have loved them deeply and will have them in my world forever; and I now love myself deeply knowing I can carry myself through life with a depth and confidence I had only once dreamed of.


When I came to work with Rebecca in her program, I had been married for 29 years and although I loved my husband it continously felt as if something was missing in our relationship. We talked about this several times but it always stayed with words and then we continued in the same way again. It felt like we were going in circles on the same issues over and over again, not really connecting with each other and I was wondering if we ever had. And yet I could feel I did not want to throw away our marriage. There was something else for the both of us but what and where to find? That is when I called for a ‘next step’ with Rebecca and just by saying yes to this (which was a huge step for me) things already started to shift even before I had decided to start the program. That first call with Rebecca really broke down what was happening for me within our relationship and I had a whole new perspective on what was playing out between us. It simply confirmed that there is another way (to be in relationship). What has been unfolding through this program is the depth and steadiness I now feel within myself. There is Joy every time I choose to connect within myself and express from there on. Step by step I could let go of many hurts, quite some pictures and expectations just by coming back to what I truly feel within. The tensions in my body dropped and I started to read situations on a different level be it in the relationship with my partner, with friends, family or anyone I meet. Every relationship has changed by bringing more depth and steadiness into the relationship with myself and there is no perfection in it. I love this program, the detail, richness and lightfullness in every single module Rebecca offers and it is so supportive to connect with other women through the FB group, not to forget the weekly sharings and readings that are beyond words. I can feel an enormous appreciation for all the support this program has offered and still does and for having said yes to the ‘next step call’ with Rebecca as I can now feel there is a constant 'next step call’ deep within me to be brought to everyone I meet.


I used to feel like a victim to what was happening around me feeling like I was in a washing machine of given up in my relationships with most people, absorbing people’s problems and not wanting to take responsibility for at least holding myself in situations. After the course I feel empowered and clear in what is my stuff and what is happening for another. There is a lot more understanding and observation when things come up. I feel like I have tools from the enriching relationships program to get myself out of the washing machine whenever I get caught and has supported me to deepen my relationship with myself. Even though I have finished the program it feels like I’ve only just begun. The biggest Ah moment I got from the course was when I started taking responsibility for myself the relationships I had with others started to change for the better.


The Enriching Relationships program has been a wonderful experience, full of personal growth and healing. Rebecca has helped me develop a better understanding of myself and others, and has aided my ability to read and navigate the various dynamics encountered throughout life. I look forward to further growth and understanding as I continue to apply the course to my everyday life. Thank you Rebecca!


Initially I was hesitant to sign up for the Enriching Relationships course, despite feeling a strong pull towards it. The usual tired old fear narratives were running through my head: “It’s a lot of money to spend on myself”, “What if it doesn’t work and nothing changes”, etc. etc. but boy am I glad I overrode this and listened to my soul. I’m only 4 weeks in and I’m blown away by the changes I’ve experienced. I’ve always considered myself very self-aware, but this has taken me to a whole other level. I can feel shifts happening already – I’ve noticed I’m less emotionally reactive (meaning more awareness can drop in) or when I do react it’s been much easier to pull myself out of it; I’m being more gentle with myself despite working through some pretty uncomfortable home truths; I’m taking more responsibility for my life (working on kicking that victim mentality to the curb); and most significantly, after feeling shut down and contracted for so long, I feel I’m really starting to open up to people and to develop more intimate relationships with those around me. Interestingly, I've also noticed that I feel lighter and my natural joyfulness is back, which is always a sign for me that I'm feeling more connected to myself.

Rebecca’s skill of reading of people, their situation, and what they’re struggling with is so accurate it’s other worldly, meaning the wisdom she delivers to support you is full of truth and clarity. She holds space for everyone in the group with absolute love and integrity and without an ounce of judgement so I always feel comfortable expressing myself fully. At the same time, Rebecca won’t hold back on presenting the truth, even if it’s something you don’t want to hear, in order to help you grow and evolve. I particularly love the weekly group calls – we all learn so much from what each of us shares and it’s an incredibly healing space for everyone.

I only wish I’d come across it sooner and that every woman could do this course – the world would be a very different place!


I am half way through The Enriching Relationships Program and no longer feel like I’m in a relationship where I am “controlled”, I express more freely and I have the support that I need. I’m no longer hurt by his behaviour or BS, and I love that I can more easily cut the energy (BS) coming at me. I’m no longer scared of my partner and I’m no longer scared of relationships. I now feel I have some really useful tools to deal with what they bring. I am more aware of who I am and what I feel. I don’t let any subtle comments or undercurrents go undealt with now. If I feel uncomfortable about something, I call it straight out. It’s amazing the transformation in this area. There are still areas that need work but I don’t feel the daily undermining that I used to.


When I started The Enriching Relationships Program I was looking to improve my relationship with my partner. We’d been through a particularly stressful and difficult period which had impacted the quality of our relationship. The programme has been transformational on so many levels. Personally it has given me time to reflect, look at patterns in our relationship – some healthy, some not so and help create a more loving, enriching relationship where there is true depth. The course content is powerful and there have been many ‘aha’ moments and awareness’s. The weekly meetings have been so supportive and have given me space to discuss the course content and anything that comes up from week to week. I can’t recommend this programme highly enough. It has supported me to grow so much personally and I now have a lot more understand of myself and my partner.


It’s time to invest in

what’s important.

This program was designed from over 2 decades of personal work within my own relationship as well as nearly 2 decades of professional work within clinical practice.

This program is a specialised step-by-step approach to enriching your relationships where you get me to hold your hand throughout the whole process. All of my years of experience, my care, my support all available to step you through the process of enriching your relationship.

This program is not a superficial approach to relationships. It’s a deep dive into the inner workings of human relations. It’s packed full of resources to help you (and your partner!) grow together and have the kind of alive, supportive and intimate relationship you’ve always wanted.

RP – Testimonial Images-ER_Miranda

Initially I was hesitant to sign up for the Enriching Relationships course, despite feeling a strong pull towards it. The usual tired old fear narratives were running through my head: “It’s a lot of money to spend on myself”, “What if it doesn’t work and nothing changes”, etc. etc. but boy am I glad I overrode this and listened to my soul. I’m only 4 weeks in and I’m blown away by the changes I’ve experienced.
I’ve always considered myself very self-aware, but this has taken me to a whole other level. I can feel shifts happening already – I’ve noticed I’m less emotionally reactive (meaning more awareness can drop in) or when I do react it’s been much easier to pull myself out of it; I’m being more gentle with myself despite working through some pretty uncomfortable home truths; I’m taking more responsibility for my life (working on kicking that victim mentality to the curb); and most significantly, after feeling shut down and contracted for so long, I feel I’m really starting to open up to people and to develop more intimate relationships with those around me. Interestingly, I've also noticed that I feel lighter and my natural joyfulness is back, which is always a sign for me that I'm feeling more connected to myself.

Rebecca’s skill of reading of people, their situation, and what they’re struggling with is so accurate it’s other worldly, meaning the wisdom she delivers to support you is full of truth and clarity. She holds space for everyone in the group with absolute love and integrity and without an ounce of judgement so I always feel comfortable expressing myself fully. At the same time, Rebecca won’t hold back on presenting the truth, even if it’s something you don’t want to hear, in order to help you grow and evolve. I particularly love the weekly group calls – we all learn so much from what each of us shares and it’s an incredibly healing space for everyone. I only wish I’d come across it sooner and that every woman could do this course – the world would be a very different place!

RP – Testimonial Images-ER_Therese

When I started The Enriching Relationships Program I was looking to improve my relationship with my partner. We’d been through a particularly stressful and difficult period which had impacted the quality of our relationship. The programme has been transformational on so many levels. Personally it has given me time to reflect, look at patterns in our relationship – some healthy, some not so and help create a more loving, enriching relationship where there is true depth. The course content is powerful and there have been many ‘aha’ moments and awareness’s. The weekly meetings have been so supportive and have given me space to discuss the course content and anything that comes up from week to week. I can’t recommend this programme highly enough. It has supported me to grow so much personally and I now have a lot more understand of myself and my partner.


Would you like to…

  • Enjoy being totally at ease with yourself in your relationship
  • Know who you are to a depth that leaves you steady and strong
  • Be comfortable with addressing conflict in a true way
  • Be understanding but not compromise who you are
  • Move beyond tug-of-war style arguments
  • Feel free to communicate what you are feeling
  • Master the art of true relationship collaboration
Mac iPad and iPhone Mockup ER
The end result?

This program will not only offer you a complete rejuvenation of your love life, it will also offer you the skills to be perceptive, empowered and understanding in all relationships. The way you are with your partner, kids, work colleagues, family and friends will get an upgrade, benefiting all areas of your life.

RP – Testimonial Images-ER_Mary-Lou

After a 22 year relationship, from age twenty, I became a serial relationshipper for the next 10 years, finding myself in relationships that weren’t right for me. When I came to the Enriching Realtionships Program I was dating my best friend. I couldn’t ask for a more loving and understanding partner, he was caring, open and attentive but I was still feeling that it wasn’t right, I would freeze in the bedroom and I new there were things to heal within myself. Part way through the program, I realised that there was so much more depth and wisdom inside of me that I had been shutting down. For the first time in a long time (maybe not even this life) I felt the courage to be by myself and not be in a relationship but instead have a true relationship with myself. I ended my romantic relationship with my best friend, claimed my sexuality and have been enjoying a freedom and strength to be myself in the world. I am so appreciative that I have made the decision to really back myself in the way I do now and I know that I will have a truly enriching relationship with a partner in the future but right now I am enjoying deepening with the exquisite and beautiful relationship I am building with myself. Magic has happened all around me and all of my relationships have benefited including my relationship with my estranged daughter who has now come back into my life in a beautiful way


EACH MODULE IS A POWERFUL program within itself

In this module, you are encouraged to stop carrying your baggage, place it on the floor in front of you, open it up and take an honest look. From here you know what you are dealing with, you can start to unpack and lighten the load. Without knowing what you are loaded with you will never be able to lighten the load. Once we have unpacked what we have been carrying, let go of what is no longer needed we are free to understand more clearly what value we bring to relationships. This can be even more difficult to appreciate and in this module, you are supported to claim what you bring without shrinking away or dismissing what it means to be loved by you. Module 1 is all about jumping in the deep end!

RP – Testimonial Images-ER_Carmel

I have had a massive shift since starting The Enriching Relationships Program and I am now seeing my husband in a completely different light and because of this, the relationship has deepened enormously. I have a love for him that I didn’t even realise I was missing and he now responds to me in a completely different way. We are so much more harmonious together and I can express so much more of what I am feeling without it turning into an argument or tense discussion. I am starting to really see the big picture and the purpose of why my husband and I are together, what strengths and weaknesses we both perfectly bring to each other (even the annoying things) and the growth and learning on offer for us both. I can also express myself more clearly and I am more aware of what I am feeling and less reactive in situations. I would totally recommend this program to anyone who wants to learn and grow with their relationship and is ready for a whole other level of empowerment in who they are


Who am I to be talking

about relationships?

Hi, I’m Rebecca

Wife, mother, friend, presenter, and program creator. I bring over 18 years experience of working with people in clinical practice to the implementation of the Enriching Relationship Program. I don’t just teach or preach this program, I live it boots and all. Everything offered in this program has been first tried and tested within my own relationship of over 18 years with my husband. I have also worked with hundreds of clients, supporting them in detail to take their relationship to the next level.

After many years of working one on one with clients, I noticed a common thread. Most people would come to me with health symptoms, insomnia, weight gain, irritability. As I dug deeper I usually found these symptoms were caused by stress. And as I dug even deeper, a lot of this stress was coming from my client’s relationships.

  • Relationships where they felt trapped.
  • Relationships where there was a lack of communication.
  • Non-existent relationships.
  • Relationships where they felt unappreciated.

Relationships shouldn’t be hard work - they should be enriching, respectful and intimate.  Join me as I step you through the process that has supported many people to rejuvenate their relationships.

That’s why I created the


This course was designed to enhance your current relationship or prepare you for entry into a new one.

You get me and all of my experience stepping you through every moment, every problem, dynamic, frustration, or issue. I am literally cheering for you the whole way (in a non-weird way 😊).

This course is not a superficial approach to relationships. It’s a deep dive into the inner workings of human relations. It’s packed full of resources to help you (which in turn helps your partner!) grow together and have the kind of alive, supportive and intimate relationship you’ve always wanted.

RP – Testimonial Images-ER_Sarah

I am half way through The Enriching Relationships Program and no longer feel like I’m in a relationship where I am “controlled”, I express more freely and I have the support that I need. I’m no longer hurt by his behaviour or BS, and I love that I can more easily cut the energy (BS) coming at me. I’m no longer scared of my partner and I’m no longer scared of relationships. I now feel I have some really useful tools to deal with what they bring. I am more aware of who I am and what I feel. I don’t let any subtle comments or undercurrents go undealt with now. If I feel uncomfortable about something, I call it straight out. It’s amazing the transformation in this area. There are still areas that need work but I don’t feel the daily undermining that I used to.



Lifetime access to the Enriching Relationships Program course material

In depth
videos including some of my specialised masterclasses

Downloadable workbook to track your progress

Live group classes where you get to access all of Rebecca's experience

Downloadable audio discussions so you can be inspired by others




RP – Testimonial Images-ER_Sharon

The enriching relationships program is offering me a new way to understand and deal with the intricacies of relationships by fully supporting me in my journey of awareness and truth. I love that this program gives me support and insight from a group of women who are becoming enriched in their relationships while being held in care by each other. Thank you, Rebecca. You are simply awesome


Enriching Relationships Program 🧡

  • + Lifetime Access to 12 Modules of step-by-step support to Enrich Your Relationships
  • + Lifetime access to the Enriching Relationships Program Videos
  • + Lifetime access to the Enriching Relationships Program Audios
  • + Lifetime access to the Enriching Relationships Program Workbook. Over 140 pages of content, questions and step-by-step guides
  • + 3 months access to weekly group sessions with Rebecca and a small group of men. Connecting, sharing and inspiring.
  • + Powerful one-on-one sharing sessions with other men on the Program.

A word

from Rebecca

Great relationships are truly magnificent. When you live in a supportive and deeply nourishing relationship, your whole world changes. You are no longer part of the get-through-life equation, instead you are enormously enriched by each moment. 

Too many people live in less than supportive relationships. It is quite normal for there to be dismissiveness, undermining, silent treatment and lack of communication. So many people treat their partners in ways that they would not dare treat other people. Many people are warm, open and engaging with others and then reduce that quality for their partners. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t we be exploring the depth and breadth of what warmth and care means within our relationships and then build the confidence to care for others based on what we have learnt? 

The lower level of love and care in our relationships is completely unnecessary. There doesn’t need to be the backlog of resentment, hurt or bitterness. Most relationships are capable of at least respect, if not, deeper levels of love and support.

If there was one thing I could wish for every single person in the world, it would be to have a truly loving relationship. This is not a fantasy, it is completely possible and in fact necessary. The current generations of relationships will be what nourishes and grows the next generations.

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